"Let us all stand"

I was a child in Memphis, Tennessee, but I still remember this service. It was a Sunday evening; service started at 6:00 sharp. A visiting minister respected by all was there. He was known to go long in the pulpit, but he didn't usually do bad. Song service was abbreviated - that was standard procedure from my pastor when a speaker was known to preach for an hour or more. At 6:30, he was in the pulpit. He started out by telling some stories. He was doing good. He had our attention. He spoke for a while, but the people maintained interest. After a solid hour, his voice boomed out, "Let us stand" ! We rose to our feet. Normally he went for an hour-and-a-half, but tonight he was shorter. We were excited! But he wasn't done speaking. He continued, "Let us all stand ... for the reading of the scripture !" A gasp echoed across The House of God. This was not the end. This was the beginning. He read his text, and we slowly took seated positions in th...